
Policy reform changes


OECD Economic Surveys: OECD country surveys on macroeconomic and economic policy developments of all member states as produced annually (with gaps) by the OECD, and available in the OECD iLibrary.


IMF Article IV Consultations & Selected Issues: Following a requirement stated by Article IV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement, the IMF develops a (usually) yearly consultation on each country member. The staff report is presented to the Executive Board and converted into a public document including both country analysis and policy recommendations. Complementary to mandatory consultations, the IMF staff also elaborates Selected Issues documents for each country, which are focused on specific aspects. Available from the IMF’s documents database.


LABREF: LABREF provides a comprehensive set of data on the measures adopted by the EU Member States in policy fields likely to have a direct impact on labor market performance (EPL, NEB, ALMP, VOCTR, PEN and IR). It contains information on the number, type, and design of measures, which can easily be compared across countries. It includes all EU countries and compiles data from the year 2000 onwards. Qualitative tables are available online on the EU website.


fRDB-IZA Social Reforms Database on Pensions, NEB & EPL: Created by the fRDB, this database provides information about social reforms in the EU15 Countries (except Luxembourg) over the period 1987-2005. The database focuses on reforms in four policy fields: EPL, PEN, NEB, and Migration Policies. The qualitative tables are available upon request.


OECD Tax Database: The OECD tax database provides comparative information on personal income taxes, non-tax compulsory payments, corporate and capital income taxes and taxes on consumption levied in the 34 OECD member countries. 


NATLEX: NATLEX is the database of national labor, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the ILO's International Labor Standards Department. It contains over 80,000 records covering 196 countries with no time limits (from the 1800’s to current legislation).


EurWORK: EurWORK gathers all Eurofound's resources on working conditions and industrial relations. It features articles covering each major reform or political development in these fields.


IMF Financial Reform dataset: The database provides a multi-faceted measure of reform, covering seven aspects of financial sector policy. The database provides a graded (ratherthan a binary) score for each dimension and allows for reversals. Covers financial reforms for 91 economies over the period 1973–2005.


ICTWSS Database on Institutional Characteristics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State Intervention and Social Pacts: The ICTWSS database, compiled by Jelle Visser (2013) at the Institute for Advanced Labor Studies (AIAS) of the University of Amsterdam, covers four key elements of modern political economies: trade unionism, wage setting, state intervention and social pacts. The database contains annual data for all OECD and EU member states, with some additional data for emerging economies, and runs from 1960 until 2012.


Economic and political context variables: Comparative Political Data Set

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